Writing Prompts

January Writing Prompts 2020 Week 15th – 21st

I am aware of the delay in this post, but it's been a rough week. I am sorry, but life sometimes is unyeilding and manic. Thank you for your paitence with me. 15. My Bag Is Packed Boxes taped up and my bag is packed, I think I'm ready for the next step, at least… Continue reading January Writing Prompts 2020 Week 15th – 21st

Writing Prompts

January Writing Prompts 2020 Week 8th – 14th

Thank you for all the support lovelies! Here's the second installment. 8. All Gone "Bast?" I called out into the darkness. No meow or sweet purr greeted me. Where has that cat gone I thought to myself, starting to get worried. I walked into the kitchen and peered at the cat bowl. All gone. Hmmm,… Continue reading January Writing Prompts 2020 Week 8th – 14th