Top 5 · Top 5 Books

Top 5 Books About Road Trips I Want To Read

This idea was originally created by Mandy @Devouring Books big thanks to Mandy for hosting and introducing me to so many other book bloggers! Please see the September prompts below.

September Prompts

7/9/19 — Summer Reads

14/9/19 — Set in Space

21/9/19 — Over 500 Pages

28/9/19 — Books with Maps


  • Share your top 5 books of the current topic– these can be books that you want to read, have read and loved, have read and hated, you can do it any way you want.
  • Tag the original post
  • Tag 5 people

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When I think ‘Road Trip’ I think contemporary, teenagers, spring break, not my kinda genre at all. Looking into some lists on Goodreads I found that anyone’s interpretation of Road Trips were, well broad. So, if the below isn’t what you were expecting, please accept it’s my personal interpretation of a Road Trip, where the main character finds themselves to have been altered or changed since the beginning of the book. (Definition of every book ever.) My bad!

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American Gods by Neil Gaiman


Starting with one I love! Neil is an absolute favourite author of mine and this book shows off every quality of his writing, from red herring plot twists to character development. Shadow’s wife died in a car accident days before he is released from prison, he meets the mysterious Mr Wednesday who offers him employment as a chauffeur and we follow their adventures across America. If you know nothing about this book, you will love it that much more, so this is where I leave my summary.

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Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson


Having the biggest crush on Johnny Depp as a teenager, and still to this day, the movie adaption of this book has been on my to watch list forever. When I discovered it was an adaption the movie was removed and the book was added to the TBB/TBR, it’s still waiting. The book takes place over a weekend in Las Vegas where drugs, alcohol and bad decisions are made over each page.

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The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams


Ok, so technically not a road trip, but it kinda is… it’s just in space, as a kid I listened to an abridged version of this book and I have always wanted to read it physically! The movie was sub par but Stephen Fry narrated most of it and therefore if it’s nothing else it’s just more Stephen Fry ear happiness! #AnswerToLifeTheUniverseAndEverythingIs42 Minutes before the Earth is destroyed Arthur is saved by his friend, Ford and finds himself in space travelling the universe with a random bunch of companions and a guide to hitch hiking.

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Wicked by Gregory Maguire


I know, I’m stretching now, but there is a road and Elphaba does take a trip. Of self-discovery. This is the story of The Wicked Witch Of The West of Oz and Gregory takes us into the young life of Elphaba and the story of her before the wickedness. I really want to read this, however it hasn’t quite fit on the TBR of this year! It is in the back up pile though!

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Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson


Pirates, treasure and adventure. Again not a road trip, but a trip. On a boat. I am super bad at this category of books, but again, this is a book I really want to read and haven’t yet done so! The TBR again didn’t have room for this one this year but first I want to find a really loved copy or a super pretty one. Any ideas please share in the comments!

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Tags (No pressure)

Stephen of Stephen Writes

Aoife of Pretty Purple Polka Dots

Nikki of Books & Lemon Squash

Lili of Lili’s Blissful Pages

Shealea of Shut up, Shealea


Till next time lovelies, Happy reading B)

5 thoughts on “Top 5 Books About Road Trips I Want To Read

  1. Love your interpretation of Road Trips 😀 my favourite tenuous Road Trip book is Jonathan Strange and My Norrel. You have to get about 500 pages in to get to the Road, but it’s oh so worth it xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So glad you’ve been participating! It’s been so much fun. I also LOVE your graphic for road trips. The topics are always up for interpretation, so feel free to do whatever you like. I think fantasy like quests also totally qualified, but I didn’t actually list any for this week, but I believe others did!

    American Gods is an absolute perfect choice for this one! I read the first half of the book and then LOST my copy. But I did wind up watching the show and really enjoying it. I haven’t started the second season yet though. I absolutely loved Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas when I was growing up. I watched the movie and read the book. My ex boyfriend was a big fan of Hunter Thompson. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is one book that I’ve always wanted to read, everyone says it’s really funny and totally worth the read.

    Thanks for joining again this week! Just so you know for Summer Reads I am leaving it super open because a lot of people (including me) don’t read the classic “summery” books like rom coms. You can do books you read this summer and loved, books set in summertime or books you’d like to read in the summer season. However you interpret it is totally fine!


  3. I would 100% recommend American Gods! I love Neil Gaiman though so maybe I’m a bit biased, but I really enjoyed that book 😊 I need to reread Hitchhiker’s Guide because I can’t remember much about it from when I read it back in HS lol I don’t think I was wise enough to appreciate it 😛 Hope you enjoy these when you get to them!


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