August TBR

That’s right! I’m actually gonna try to stick to a TBR!!! And thought, staying true to form, I’d write a 6 day late blog to announce this!

So, I kinda already read the 2 first volumes of Saga! Thanks to Kindle Unlimited! But the rest of my TBR is a little tricky!

My book coven and I will be participating in our very own readalong of The Modern Fairie Tales by Holly Black! All three of us bought it on the same day whilst out book shopping! And decided we’d read it together. So I created the below graphic!

Yes, that is Alice In Wonderland on my TBR because yes I have never read it before! And now finally I’m going immerse myself into the world of Wonderland!

Its Vow Of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson book birthday today! And after reading Dance Of Thieves earlier this year I NEEDED the next installment desperately. It is taking all of my resolve to not drop everything to return to this world. I also received my pre order of Soul Of Stars by Ashley Poston, I throughly enjoyed the first installment of this duology and am eager to rejoin the crew!

I received a copy of Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker, another graphic novel about a witch and a werewolf, my heart strings are already being pulled!

And being apart of TheWriteReads Gang we have another book tour in September for A Different Time by Michael K. Hill! This has had incredible ravings so far I’m very much looking forward to it!

Of all of the ones on the list I believe Soul Of Stars may be left behind for next month but for now I have got to get reading 🤓

Speak soon lovelies 💕💕💕

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